ASPIRE R5年度-9年度先端国際共同研究推進プログラム 次世代生殖補助医療に資する国際共同研究 International Collaborative Research Pioneering Next-Generation Assisted Reproductive Medicine


  1. Inhibition of ROS1 activity with lorlatinib reversibly suppresses fertility in male mice.
    Oyama Y, Shimada K, #Miyata H, Iida-Norita R, Emori C, Kamoshita M, Oura S, Katayama R, Matzuk MM, #Ikawa M.
    Andrology. 2024 Nov 20. doi: 10.1111/andr.13808. Online ahead of print.​​​​​​​
  2. Loss of CCDC188 causes male infertility with defects in the sperm head-neck connection in mice
    Qiu Y, #Shimada K , Yamamoto K , #Ikawa M
    Biol Reprod. 2024 Sep 18:ioae137. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioae137. Online ahead of print.
  3. Suzuki A, #Yabuta N ​​​​​​, Shimada K, Mashiko D, Tokuhiro K, Oyama Y, Miyata H, Garcia TX, Matzuk MM, ​​​#Ikawa M
    Individual disruption of 12 testis-enriched genes via the CRISPR/Cas9 system does not affect the fertility of male mice
    J Reprod Immunol. 2024 Apr 29:163:104252. doi: 10.1016/j.jri.2024.104252. Online ahead of print.




Date Kind Presenters Conference Title
7/19 招待講演 伊川 正人 SSR 57th Annual Meeting Testis-enriched genes and their functions during spermatogenesis and fertilization


研究発表 伊川 正人 AMED/ASPIRE International Collaborative Research Pioneering Next-Generation Assisted Reproductive Medicine


Date Kind Presenters Conference Title
5/2 Poster

Daisuke Mashiko, Takashi Morikura, Shingo Tonai, Yuta Tokuoka, Tsutomu Endo, Akira Funahashi, Masahito Ikawa

2024 North American Testis Workshop Agenda Development of an AI-based auto mouse seminiferous tubule staging system using slide scanner
4/29 Poster Maki Kamoshita, Hiroki Shirai, Hiroko Nakamura, Takehiko Ogawa, Hiroshi Kimura, Masahito Ikawa  ASA 2024 Annual Meeting Development of a membrane ceiling device for in vitro spermatogene


  1. がんの男児の精巣保存、成人後の不妊治療に備え
    伊川 正人、林 克彦
    読売新聞 2024.06.24