アクセス&連絡先 Access

アクセス / Access

微生物病研究所 (Research Institute for Microbial Diseases)


Access (RIMD English Site)
Scroll to the bottom for more detailed directions to our lab.

建物平面図 / Area Map



The Research Institute for Microbial Diseases is locked at all times for safety reasons.
To enter our lab, first please go to reception located in the main building (red triangle), and receive a card key.
Head to the Cutting-edge Research Building for Infectious Diseases entrance (blue triangle) and go up to room 204 located on the second floor.
Reception closes at 5PM, so please call EGR lab for arrivals after that time.



〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘3-1
大阪大学 微生物病研究所 最先端感染症研究棟2階204号室

  遺伝子機能解析分野 感染動物実験施設 生体応答遺伝子解析センター NPO法人・発生工学研究会
TEL 間違い電話が多いため削除しました 06-6879-8338 06-6879-8374 06-6876-1029
FAX 06-6879-8376 06-6879-8376 06-6879-8376 06-6876-1029
E-mail ikawasec@biken shisetsu@biken bikos@biken tgko@biken


Detailed Directions to our lab

From Kansai International Aiport (KIX) to EGR

  1. Take the Nankai Railway train bound for Namba, and get off at Tengachaya Station.
  2. Go to Hankyu Railway Tengachaya Station that is right across the Nankai ticket gate.
  3. Take the train bound for either Kitasenri or Takatsuki-Shi Station.
    If it is bound for Kitasenri, get off at Yamada Station.
    If it is bound for Takatsuki-shi, get off at Awaji Station, and change trains bound for Kitasenri and get off at Kita-senri Station.
  4. From Kita-senri station, it will take approximately 15 minites on foot.
    Kita-senri Station to EGR (click to open with Google Map)

Additional Information